Spirit of Squash
What is the spirit of squash? You tell us. What characterizes us squash players? Is it the pursuit of success at all costs, or is it the combination of friendship, respect and excellence?
The multiple and important values of squash must be actively lived and promoted so that we do not forget them.

Swiss Olympic has created a legal foundation, the Statutes on Ethics in Swiss Sport and defined the nine most important principles in the Ethics Charter. The Spirit of Squash was created from these principles, an initiative to ensure that we always act according to the Spirit of Squash when playing squash, whether in training, at tournaments, as parents, as coaches or as organisers of events.

The Swiss Squash Coaches Charter is aimed at instructors and coaches for all target groups.

The Y+S-Code of conduct (not available in English) applies to the initial and further training of coaches.

The Swiss Squash Training culture applies to all juniors during training
- Friendship - together we make progress!
- Respect - we take responsibility for ourselves and for others!
- Excellence - we always give our best!

At tournaments, interclub and SQUASH !T, the rules of behaviour in competition apply to all juniors:
- Friendship - we are happy together!
- Respect - we respect our fellow human beings!
- Excellence - we always give our best!

For juniors with squad status, the rules of behaviour in performance-oriented sport apply:
- Friendship - we are a team!
- Respect - we are role models!
- Excellence - we are professional!

In addition, juniors with squad status, as well as everyone else, can complete the self-check for athletes.
National squash 24/7 athletes
Top squash players live the spirit of squash and represent the following commitment and mindset:
Move the (computer) mouse over the image

Fair parents campaign
In 2017, the Swiss Football Association launched «Experience before results», a national campaign for fair behaviour by parents on the sidelines. Swiss Olympic extended the campaign to all sports under the same slogan.

Parents can use a questionnaire to check whether they are acting in the interests of sport and its values in their role as parents. The questionnaire can be easily integrated into a parents' evening.
Parents can find the questionnaire and valuable practical tips in the Good Practice section.
Swiss Sport Integrity
The aim of the Swiss Sport Integrity Foundation is to effectively combat doping, ethical misconduct and malpractice in sport sustainably. As soon as I observe misconduct, I am obliged to report it to Swiss Sport Integrity. I can make a report on the website. I can also submit this report anonymously.

The new Ethics Compass is a great tool to use in everyday life.
Watch the explanatory video to see how the Ethics Compass works.
You can find the Ethics Compass online here.

Social Media Guide
In the Swiss Squash Social Media Guide ou will find basic rules and tips for your use of social media. You will learn about opportunities and risks as well as good and less suitable examples of postings.

Parent questionnaire
Here you can find the Swiss Squash parent questionnaire.

Tips for parents
Here you can find the Swiss Squash Tips for parents

Spirit of Sport Challenge App
With the Spirit of Sport Challenge app, you can learn about the Olympic values of «Respect, Friendship, Excellence» in an enjoyable way.
«Experience before results»,
The «Spirit of Sport Challenge App» contains attractive games that bring the Olympic values and topics from the "cool and clean" prevention programme to life in a playful way. Test your knowledge of the Olympic Games and the values of Swiss sport. All challenges can be played alone or in groups, with or against each other. The games are suitable for entertaining and educational use in training, training courses, sports lessons or sports camps. Take out your smartphone now and compete against each other!

Cool and clean / cool and clean App
The «cool and clean» tools tools help to sensitise young athletes to topics such as fair play, tobacco, alcohol and doping. In addition, coaches and leaders learn to recognise dangerous developments at an early stage and react appropriately. Another important aspect of the programme aims to keep the young person's environment as alcohol- and tobacco-free as possible.
in the cool and clean App, you have all of their programmes on your smartphone!

You can find exciting Podcast episodes on the topic of ethics in sport on the Swiss Olympic website.

«Are you OK?» campaign from Swiss Olympic
You fight and train hard for your goals. Unfortunately, borders can also be crossed during training - for example through excessively tough training methods or psychological pressure. This triggers unpleasant feelings, hurts or threatens you - and that's not OK. Talk about it and get support! Swiss Olympic supports you so that such experiences no longer have a place in sport.
«Are you OK?» campaign (online)
Learning module «Ethically valuable sport in Switzerland»
In the Learning module «Ethically valuable sport in Switzerland», you can delve deeper into the topic of ethics (not available in English).

Learning module «Living diversity»
In the Learning module «Living diversity», you can delve deeper into the topic of diversity (not available in English).

Question yourself as a player and/or coach: Where and how do you live the Spirit of Squash?
- Write down 3 Spirit of Squash behavioural traits that you live by 100% and think about how you pass these traits on to your squash environment.
- Think about 3 Spirit of Sport behavioural traits that you would like to work on. How can you work on them? Who can support you? How do these behaviours rub off on my squash environment?
- Question your club, your coaches or your juniors, where do they live the spirit of squash? In which areas do they still need to work? Do they need support?
Live the Spirit of Squash and have the courage to stand up for Friendship, Respect and Excellence!
Now you know what YOUR Spirit of Squash is and you can start living it. By living the Spirit of Squash as a coach in ALL situations the juniors will follow you. In challenging situations, you will ask for help.
With the new knowledge of games that you can integrate into your training sessions, you support your juniors on their way to living the Spirit of Squash and acquiring important life skills.
THANK YOU for living the Spirit of Squash too!